


COZY PET 100% Natural Pine

Cat Litter

  • Ultra-absorbance: Compressed fine particles feature powerful absorption, instant absorption three time the weight of pine particles. Provides a dry and clean environment for cats.
  • Convenient Cleaning: Pine litter is compact with firm and moderate sized particles. No matter how mischievous your cat is, dustiness is rare, saving you the trouble of daily cleaning.
  • Fresh Air: The natural composition of pine breaks down odor, absorbs the cat's excrement, and releases a light pine fragrance to maintain fresh air in the house.
  • 100% Natural: Made from 100% completely natural pine.


    • 環保健康:COZY PET木屑砂製作過程中沒有添加任何化學黏合成份,在使用後的貓砂可自然分解,而且可以回收直接作為花木肥料使用,使用後的貓砂也可以直接沖進馬桶。我們選用100%天然松木,純天然製品,在使用貓砂的過程中不會對貓的皮膚、毛髮、呼吸道產生任何危害,對我們的家庭環境也是健康的,全球眾多的獸醫師一致推薦在手術後使用松木貓砂。
    • 無塵:松木砂質地緊密、顆粒結實、大小適中,無論您的愛貓如何頑皮,也鮮少有塵土飛揚的狀況,省去您每天打掃的困擾。
    • 使用方便:搭配雙層貓砂盆使用後,您也不需要每天多次清理,僅需使用貓鏟清理大便。每一到兩週沖洗一次貓砂盆。
    • 價錢適中:價格低廉15KG的重量包,一次買足讓您更省荷包,COZY PET為廣大愛貓族提供物美價廉的貓砂。


    1. Place 3-4cm of pine litter in the litter box.
    2. After the cat excretes, the litter will quickly absorb water, release an aroma, and become powder. Feces need to be scooped using a shovel.
    3. Shake the cat litter box back and forth so that good pellets remain on top and the powder sinks to the next layer of the litter box.
    4. Powder can be poured into the toilet and flushed, or it can be directly used as a plant fertilizer.

    ※First-time User of Sawdust:

    1. Pour 2.5cm of sawdust in the cat litter box.
    2. Cover with 2.5cm of regular cat litter (mixing not required).
    3. Gradually increase the amount of sawdust and reduce the general cat litter, and your cat will slowly grow fond of sawdust.


    100% Natural Pine Litter.






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